Report-Ways to protect your car this summer
While we are on the road, stuck in jams, in this heat, the temperature in and around our vehicles rises up to 60 degrees that makes it quite intolerable for our machines. In the long run this kind of an intensity may cause hurt and also add up on ageing your machine further.
Well, having summer around taking all of us in the spin, of his Hot weather, rising temperatures, and the hot winds, not only drains living things out, but also our cars, yeah you read it right Extreme heat might affect the mechanical functioning of your car, you need to protect it by using a few measures. In a simple language, as the heat affects our efficiency, it also puts our vehicles at stress and strain. While we are on the road, stuck in jams, in this heat, the temperature in and around our vehicles rises up to 60 degrees that makes it quite intolerable for our machines. In the long run this kind of an intensity may cause hurt and also add up on ageing your machine further.
But as we keep a rack of our needs during this season, and so ample measure in order to protect our body internally as well as externally. Similarly, we need to adopt a few aspects to make our drives summer-ready.
Tyres are often the most ignored part of our vehicles, we generally forget to check the pressure inside; this could actually lead to a lot of damage during a hot season. If we run our car on a low temperature on a hot day, it could destroy the sidewall that carries the softer rubber that can be easily harmed. As the car moves, this softer rubber gets worked out with extra pressure, that results in stretching the same further. Therefore it’s very important to keep an eye on the Tyre temperatures and keep them high at all times.

Air Conditioning:
During summers, a Car’s AC is a part that is loaded the most, they are mostly service intensive. The compressor oil needs to be refilled regularly, in order to protect the unit. The coolant keeps leaking on regular basis, and to top it up dust and dirt keeps on clogging the system. We recommend a thorough check up by a technician, before this heat starts. You all must have noticed, no matter how powerful the AC unit is, still its takes time to cool up the car during summers, that is mainly because of the car being parked under sunlight heats up the inside of the car, by up to 10 percent more than the outer actual temperature, So we advise you to first pull down the windows, and let the heat escape out and start your AC.
Radiator and Fluids:
A good coolant, with a better quality is the cooling food the car requires in this season the most. In fact most of the problems the car faces is related to the coolant supply in the car. So before the season’s onset, do check- up on the level for sure. If your car is more than three years old, get the radiator serviced when in advance. Also do check up on the leaks if any. ALo make sure to use a good quality coolant, a cheaper version may look easy, but its ill-effects on the car could be way too costly.
Engine/Transmission oil:
Nothing is more dangerous to the engine, other than heat! And an old/ or used up engine oil could add up on the damage to the greatest extent. So it’s vital to get the engine oil checked and topped up with the correct oil. We recommend to opt for the better quality heat resistant oil in order to cause reduction in extreme hot conditions. Other make sure to get the other fluids in the car checked, like the power steering, brake and gear units etc. checked.
Heat causes in ageing of the battery life too, basically as the fluid inside evaporates faster during hot season, it also elevates the chemical reaction in the battery faster that leads to overcharging. These days’ batteries come with zero-maintenance fitted in the cars, but still have a look at its smooth functioning to make sure.
Protect with polish:
Generally, a good polish on car is considered as a cosmetic requirement, but instead a good polish would go a long way in retaining your car’s paint from the extreme heat. Mainly as it creates a layer of protective wax that reflects great amount of sun’s heat. We recommend you to invest on a good polish for your ride that gives protection to your car.