Was it a fail on Chevrolets Part?
As the news of a 42 year old man who accidentally got burnt alive in the Chevrolet Sail car on the Surajkund- Pali road in Faridabad. It has been reportedly told that his car diesel make was just about two months old, so there is no point that indicates that the car might not be well maintained as it was almost brad new.
As the news of a 42 year old man, who accidentally got burnt alive in the Chevrolet Sail car on the Surajkund- Pali road in Faridabad. It has been reportedly told that his car, diesel make was just about two months old, so there is no point that indicates that the car might not be well-maintained, as it was almost brad new.

The police believes that it was a short circuit that nestled in this tragic death of the man, whose family is just torn apart from this news. After the short circuit, the doors of the car jammed, as being on central locking system that trapped the driver inside the car. The accident took place in the morning at 8:30 pm on Tuesday, while he was returning to Faridabad from Gurgaon.
Police is still investing the car and the incident by a proper inspection. There was no CNG kit installed in the car, so we suspect it to be running on diesel. It is really hard to sinking that a brand name like Chevrolet could let the car pass through the quality standards before it had been sold and handed over to the owner and the buyer. The question that arises it that have the auto-makers just been aiming at earning money, with no credit given to the life and security of the mankind.
Already recalling a faulty vehicle has been high-lighted with regular goof ups being cropping up in new cars.the need of this report, we really request the Automakers delivering cars and making huge money from the country, please pay attention to the safety of life of the customer as well. They are the ones who bring in the profit to you. It indeed become your responsibility to cater to their safety and make sure they are safe while driving to and fro in a vehicle you have made, and they have paid for.