Tata Indigo and Indica to continue to be sold as taxis
Tata Motors older line up of successful cars like the Indigo and Indica won?t be discontinued they would be sold in the country amongst the taxi segments as they have been up and running quite popularly in our country for quite some time now.
Tata Motors older line up of successful cars like the Indigo and Indica, won’t be discontinued, they would be sold in the country, amongst the taxi segments, as they have been up and running, quite popularly in our country, for quite some time now. The brand is planning to divide its vehicle segment in to personal and commercial markets.

The Tata Indica and indigo being the rough and tough condition kinds, Is best sold and suited for the commercial front. Now this fact contradicts the buyers in order to opt for personal use of these cars, they don’t want to buy a personal car that is a Taxi. Well understanding such sentiments the car maker has decided to name these two cars as commercial products and the new machines, ready in the line up namely the Tata Bolt, Zest, and Kite, they all would be introduced only as personal vehicles.

Contacting the Tata motors, the officials have confirmed, that earlier the segments were being merged, that was indirectly effecting the brand, but now after the segregation, each segment in the market would have its own individual line up, and that would not affect the people buying the cars for personal use. Earlier the brand had thought of replacing the older enough Indica and Indigo for the Zest and the Bolt, but now, they have changed the strategy and the former cars would still ply on the roads as successful taxis, and the new cars would eb only launched and sold as Personal use cars. Well, as of now, we only hope, this plan works in correcting the image for Tata Motors.