Scrambler from Jurassic World on Auction
Triumph Motorcycles has organized an auction of the iconic Scrambler that was driven by Chris Pratt in the movie Jurassic World. The auction has been organized to take place on the 23rd of July 2015. EBay has taken the responsibly to sell the bike, through them. The money that would be raised in the auction is supposed to go to the Triumphs Fundraising partner, the distinguished gentlemans Ride.
Triumph Motorcycles has organized an auction of the iconic Scrambler that was driven by Chris Pratt in the movie Jurassic World.The auction has been organized to take place on the 23rd of July 2015.EBay has taken the responsibly to sell the bike, through them. The money that would be raised in the auction is supposed to go to the Triumph’s Fundraising partner, the distinguished gentleman’s Ride.

If you remember the movies sequence, there were three bikes customized to showcase in the flick, out of which, one of them was gifted to the actor Chris Pratt, then the second one was sent to be displayed at the Triumph’s headquarters, and this third bike would be out on an auction now.Well, don’t you get the memories flashing, Chris Pratt riding through the Jurassic World beside the Raptors; well indeed it’s the same bike.

Well, cheer to such an event; the common people would get an opportunity to own this almost a star machine. So the highest bidder would be able to grasp a bike that is just three of its kind in the world. So, we recommend you to open up your bank accounts and start bidding for this dream machine.